Get in touch by filling in this form and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Alternatively you can call or write to us, both the telephone number and store address details are given below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email Contact Form
Fields marked with an * are required
Alternative Contact Details
07743 164798
Store Address:
Trentham Shopping Village,
Stone Road, Trentham,
Stoke on Trent.
ST4 8AX.
When a customer contacts us via email we are automatically provided with their name and e-mail address.
Under the General Data Protecrion Regulations this is classed as personal information and there are procedures to be followed regarding access and storage.
We are required to inform you of our intentions, which are:
1. We will keep your details until the question or query has been answered and the communication chain is deemed to be no longer required.
2. We store your data on a password protected external hard drive which is locked away in a secure location.
Further information regarding GDPR can be found within our Privacy Policy, we recommend that you take the time to read this document.